Extradition is a legal tool that allows a state to deliver a person to another state in order for that person to be judged or to serve a sentence.
The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is a legal tool in the European Union that allows the extradition of people accused or condemned for a crime from a member state to another.
Our team of lawyers, who are experts in extraditions, can manage to have an extradition denied, be it inside or outside the boundaries of the European Union.
In Spain, the EAW is governed by Spanish Law 23/2014, which incorporates Framework Decision 2002/584/JAI of the Counsel of the European Union. When a member state issues an EAW for the arrest and surrender of an individual, the competent Spanish authority must examinate it and reach a decision regarding its execution. This is the moment where a lawyer’s role comes into play.
The Criminal Lawyer will guarantee that the rights of the requested individual are respected throughout the procedure.
Hiring a good lawyers to process the EAW is crucial to identify the rights subject to protection, verify the procedure and, above all, maximize the chances of a favourable result in a complex and sensitive legal process.
In Fechenbach Asociados we take pride in achieving and surpassing the highest quality standards that could be expected from a law firm formed by lawyers who specialise in Criminal Law. Since our inception in 2014, we have amassed a valuable experience that reflects in the excellency of our work and in the satisfaction of our clients. Our record is a testimony of our commitment with quality and professionality.
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